
June 8, 2018

"They did a great job repairing my grandma's neckless"
February 21, 2018

"Always helpful and knowledgeable. I love the hometown feel and personal service."
February 21, 2018

"Always helpful and knowledgeable. I love the hometown feel and personal service."
December 21, 2017

"We moved here to be away from the larger city. We have found it IMPORTANT to always have a good, respectable & honest jeweler. You can't take very important jewelry to someone not trustworthy to keep it running or repair it. THERE ARE SO MANY RIP OFF ARTISTS in the world today & having family jewelry stolen, stones exchanged, or low balled on what items are worth is NOT AN OPTION. Being here for 17+ years now, we have ALWAYS found Live Oak Jewelry honest, reliable & trustworthy. After all, as dishonest as the world is today, having family heirlooms ruined, stones exchanged for something cheap while being cleaned etc. is MORE THAN ENOUGH to set people over the edge. Live Oak has cleaned our jewelry, repaired our watches, sold us new items at honest prices and simply always been a FINE HOMETOWN JEWELER you can keep for generations."
June 27, 2017
